Wondering Brown


There came a man to sell his shirt,
A drunken man, in life low down!
When Riley, who was sitting near,
Made use of these strange words to brown.


"Yon fallen man, that's just gone past,
I knew in better days than these;
Three shillings he could make a day,
As an adept at picking peas."


"God help us all! I never heard-
'Tis scarce believable," said Brown;
"To think that man was what you say,
and now to be so low and down!


"Now Riley, had another told me,
what you have just remarked," said Brown;
"I would have doubted- help us, Heaven!
That 'tis as you have said"-Cried Brown.


"you'd scarcely credit it, I knew
a man in this same house, low down,
who owns a fish shop now-believe
me, or believe me not," said Brown


"He was a civil sort of cove,
but did queer things, for one low down:
oft have I watched him clean his teeth-
as true as Heaven's above!" Cried Brown.